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Halifax, NS asks for customized budget feedback with Shape Your City tool


This budget simulator allowed each user to adjust funding to city services and evaluate the impacts of funding increases or decreases. Residents could submit their sample budgets to city officials for use in the annual budgeting process.


Halifax, NS

City in Nova Scotia

CA flag



Municipal Budget 2020 | Shape Your City Halifax

Each year the municipal budget is presented to, debated, and approved by Regional Council. Each department (Called a Business Unit) presents their proposed capital budget to Regional Council via Budget Committee meetings. These meetings are open to the public, and can be watched or listened to online. We welcome public input on the municipal budget. You can comment on the budget online by using our Budget Allocator tool, via email, or in person at one of the Committee of the Whole Budget presentations. The municipal budget determines spending priorities and service delivery for residents. The municipality operates on a 12-month fiscal cycle, from April 1st to March 31st of the following year. Under the Halifax Regional Municipality Charter, Council must adopt an operating and a capital budget each year: The Operating Budget deals with the annual cost of delivering services, and includes wages, materials and supplies, office and work space costs, etc. The Operating Budget also includes amounts to be transferred each year to support capital budget investments. The municipality’s operating budget is fully balanced. The Capital Budget deals with significant investments that have long term value to the municipality, including buildings, roads, bridges, recreation centres and other infrastructure. The Capital Budget is financed through a mixture of debt, cost sharing, reserve withdrawals and transfers from the operating budget. Use the Budget Allocator Help shape the 2020-21 municipal budget by using the Budget Allocator. The allocator allows you to increase, decrease, or maintain municipal spending by business unit. These results will help Regional Council understand what's important to you. Thank you for your participation. The Allocator is now closed for 2020.

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