JET Charge Core
JET Charge Core monitors the building’s power demand in real time and adjusts the charging rate of each charging station dynamically.
Widespread EV adoption requires sophisticated power management from public and private electric infrastructure. We offer solutions to manage electrical load across apartments, businesses and fleet charging. Our technology facilitates dynamic load control using any hardware and software solution. Our world-leading system allows you to futureproof your building without being bound by proprietary systems. JET Charge will be able to come on-site to assess the building’s current electrical infrastructure to prepare a thorough report that includes a long-term EV charging strategy that future proofs the entire building for EV charging. At JET Charge you are getting real, practical experience, and not just a piece of paper.
JET Charge
Founded in 2013
JET Charge is Australia’s leading hardware supplier and installer of electric vehicle charging infrastructure, having deployed more charging stations of any other provider in Australia.
On Govlaunch since November 20, 2021