SP Self-Service Hub
SP Self-Service Hub integrates Microsoft Teams and SharePoint into an intuitive portal structure for employee self-service.
Built on Office 365, SP Self-Service Hub is designed using proven best-practices from over 1000 implementations, to turn Office 365 into an employee Self-Service Portal Structure that puts 90% of what an employee needs to do their job within their fingertips. The SP Self-Service Hub experience starts with the Home Page, where the employee gets the latest organization communications, and information for the day. Employee Central provides employees with a consistent and easy way to access resources, services, and processes without having to visit with each individual department. No longer is it necessary to search endlessly for policies, call or email the HR or other internal department for help only to receive a delayed response or no response at all, or sign in to several applications. SP Self-Service Hub empowers employees to help themselves. Beyond the basic home page, and Employee Central are internal departments like IT, HR, Marketing and others. Microsoft Teams is great for staff collaboration, but does nothing for employee self-service. Why not enhance it by adding an Employee Self-Service Portal for their internal customers - employees.
SP Marketplace
Founded in 2012
SP Marketplace helps small- to medium-size businesses take their productivity, sales and services to the next level with out-of-the-box business applications and templates on Office 365 and SharePoint.
On Govlaunch since January 14, 2021