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Georges River, NSW converts parking lot into pop-up park as part of placemaking strategy

Georges River, NSW Pop-Up Park Lot Placemaking Strategy


A car park in Hurstville turned into a community space called The Green for a weekend pilot. This pop-up park featured free Wi-Fi, book swaps, and outdoor seating. Council officials added a playground and games to attract families. The Green created an open space in an area with low vehicle ownership, few parks, and concerns about social isolation. Participants were encouraged to fill out surveys to inform future pop-ups as part of the Hurstville Place Strategy.


Georges River, NSW

Area in New South Wales

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PUBLIC EXHIBITION - Draft Hurstville Place Strategy | Your Say Georges River

Georges River Council, at its meeting on 23 September 2019 considered a report and resolved to exhibit the Draft Hurstville Place Strategy (the ‘draft Strategy’). Council is now seeking community feedback on this draft Strategy which has been developed to provide a vision , priority projects and key actions to achieve the goal of Hurstville becoming the Heart of the city. The Strategy outlines key projects that will transform Hurstville through innovative, economic, cultural and infrastructure improvement projects. The Hurstville Place Strategy has identified twelve key priority projects for Hurstville CBD area. Planning for a healthy community A bustling night-time economy A connected walkable centre Create a green and open Hurstville A transformed Civic precinct Expressions of culture Creation of Brand and marketing strategy for Hurstville CBD A centre ahead of the curve – delivering innovation in the city Establishment of a Place Governance group – to deliver these key projects Find more effective ways of engaging with our community and business Enabling place making and activation to create a vibrant and safe Hurstville The draft Strategy is on public exhibition from 1 October 2019 to 4 November 2019, and can be viewed at: Georges River Service Centre, MacMahon Street, Hurstville, between the hours of 8.30am to 5.00pm, Monday to Friday Georges River Council Kogarah Service Centre and Library, Kogarah Town Square, Belgrave Street, Kogarah, between 8.30am and 5.00pm, Monday to Friday Hurstville Library, during library opening hours If you make a submission and have made political donations or gifts, a statement must be completed. A submission by way of objection must set out the grounds for objection. Submissions are not confidential. Requests to access submissions will be considered in accordance with the Privacy and Personal Information Protection Act 1998 and the Government Information (Public Access) Act 2009. For more information about Council's Privacy Management Plan, contact Council’s Governance Section on 9330 6400.

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