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Naperville, IL offers free wi-fi for beach goers during summer months

Naperville, IL offers free wi-fi for beach goers


Naperville created a program with private companies to offer free WiFi to beach goers during summer months. Advertising space was offered to the equipment and service provider to make the entire operation free for the city. The current contract runs for 5 years.


Naperville, IL

Municipality in Illinois

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Visitors to Centennial Beach, Riverwalk Cafe, other public sites can now access free Wi-Fi - Chicago Tribune

Following a deal between the Naperville Park District, internet provider WOW! and Digital Lobby, five park district sites now have WiFi, with three additional sites expected to be connected by October.


Naperville Park District Offers Free Wi-Fi at Key Facilities - Naperville Park District

Created in 1966, the Naperville Park District is an independent, municipal agency serving the recreation needs of its residents. An Illinois Distinguished Agency since 1994, the District is one of only 1% of park districts across the country to be nationally accredited through the Commission for Accreditation of Park and Recreation Agencies (CAPRA). The Naperville Park District’s mission is to provide recreation and park experiences that enhance the quality of life for our community, including benefits such as community health, environmental education, social connections, and personal growth. The District maintains and operates more than 2,500 acres with 140 parks and facilities and provides more than 1,400 recreational, arts and environmental programs and special events annually. Included within the District’s operations are two championship golf courses, a multitude of playgrounds, trails, athletic courts and sports fields, two inline skating and skateboarding facilities, the Millennium Carillon, a paddle boat quarry, historic Centennial Beach, and the beautiful Riverwalk

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