Regensburg Stadt, BY and Zeus respond to community feedback with wireless e-scooter charging pilot
Regensburg Stadt, BY Zeus Wireless E-Scooter Charging
Regensburg identified availability and sustainability as keys to public use of micro-mobility in a 2021 study. Municipal officials worked with Zeus on installing three Zolar stations at heavily used transit stops. The Zolar station uses 100% solar energy and wireless charging technology for quick recharges. Zeus will also incorporate its Z2 e-scooter into the local fleet, thus improving user experiences through longer battery life and smoother travel on cobblestone streets.
Smart Cities World - Micromobility - Zeus launches solar charging pilot in Regensburg
Zeus is launching a pilot wireless, solar power e-scooter charging programme in Regensburg, Germany to showcase the potential of sustainable micromobility
Regensburg gets solar powered wireless e-scooter charging as Zeus launches pilot project -
The Irish micromobility provider is answering the needs of residents as a report showed the locals would be more likely to use e-scooters if they were more sustainable. It will also deploy the Z2 scooter to the cobbled streets of the city
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