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Utrecht, UT Normal Rent initiative helps young tenants understand their right to affordable rent

Utrecht, UT Normal Rent Initiative Young Tenants Affordable


The Normale Huur - Normal Rent - website explains tenant rights including clear pricing and privacy. Renters use a price-checking tool to determine if they are overpaying for their units based on price and amenities. There are also contacts for tenants facing unfair prices including legal services from the Huurteam and arbitration by the Rent Assessment Committee. Utrecht introduced this initiative ahead of a 2023 national law change supporting municipal efforts at fair rents.


Utrecht, UT

Municipality in Utrecht

NL flag



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Normale huur is niet duur Wist je dat de Utrechtse student gemiddeld € 195,- per maand te veel huur betaalt? Daar kun je wel leukere dingen van bedenken dan de portemonnee te spekken van je huisbaas. Normale Huur is bedoeld om je bewust te maken van wat je als huurder kan en mag verlangen. En […]

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