Chattanooga, TN deployed LiDAR sensors to collect and analyze data from near-crash events
Chattanooga, TN LiDAR sensors near-crash event analysis
The City of Chattanooga partnered with The University of Tennessee at Chattanooga, Ouster LiDAR, and Seoul Robotics to collect data on near-crashes by deploying Ouster LiDAR sensors equipped with Seoul Robotics 3D perception software at 11 signalized intersections. The sensors provide 24/7 high-resolution, high-accuracy trajectories of all road users under a range of lighting conditions in order to calculate critical factors which can be used to quantify and characterize near-crash events.
How Chattanooga is achieving Vision Zero with Ouster lidar | Ouster
Lidar is making Chattanooga safer for pedestrians, bicyclists, and motorists by providing enhanced detection accuracy under all lighting conditions.
Chattanooga DoT deploys digital lidar to improve pedestrian safety | Ouster
In partnership with CDOT, CUIP, and Seoul Robotics, our lidar sensors are now deployed in downtown Chattanooga, TN to improve pedestrian safety.
Project Succeeded
By using LiDAR sensors to collect and analyze near-crash data at intersections the city has circumvented the limitations facing traditional approaches including personal privacy issues, long-time data processing, and performance degradation due to weather or illumination conditions.
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